Through our Equality Blog, we aim at spreading information and raising the public’s awareness of the topics related to our focus areas.
Decent Work Gender Equality Gender-based Violence Human Trafficking MigrationThrough our Equality Blog, we aim at spreading information and raising the public’s awareness of the topics related to our focus areas.
Decent Work Gender Equality Gender-based Violence Human Trafficking MigrationAfter a 4-year old nursery student was sexually assaulted in a local school last October, the Bangalore city police identified a set of new guidelines that city schools must follow to curb sexual violence on school grounds.
In a recent talk on the importance of digital media and the role it plays in the women’s rights movement in India, Meera Vijyann touched upon key issues that women across the world face in expressing their views online.
En janvier 2014, la CEDH a condamné l’Etat italien au motif que son code civil maintenait une discrimination sexuelle dans l’attribution du nom de famille à un enfant légitime. Un rapide tour d’horizon dans les Etats membres du Conseil de l’Europe et de l’UE relève que la discrimination ….
Frédéric Mertens de Wilmars, docteur en droit et professeur à l’Université de Valencia (Espagne), propose une nouvelle interprétation du principe d’égalité, en combinaison avec le principe, complémentaire et non antinomique, de l’équité.
What role can men play a role in ending human trafficking? A US-based project suggests ten specific actions that men and boys can take to end this form of slavery.
United Nations Special Envoy Angelina Jolie’s speech at the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in London brought the development world to a standstill a few days ago.
Una nuova sfida per la magistrata Paola Di Nicola, giudice al tribunale di Roma, autrice del libro “La giudice. Una donna
As well-informed citizens, consumers, customers, we can play a role in fighting human trafficking and slavery, both through our individual choices and actions, and through collective initiatives and campaigns.
Figures are shocking and speak for themselves: more than a third of women worldwide will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the World Health Organization.
“When I joined the Judiciary, almost 20 years ago, I did not know our history, I did not believe at