Through our Equality Blog, we aim at spreading information and raising the public’s awareness of the topics related to our focus areas.
Decent Work Gender Equality Gender-based Violence Human Trafficking MigrationThrough our Equality Blog, we aim at spreading information and raising the public’s awareness of the topics related to our focus areas.
Decent Work Gender Equality Gender-based Violence Human Trafficking MigrationIsabelle Schmoetten, chargée de projets sociopolitiques au CID – Fraen an Gender, co-organisateur avec Time For Equality de la conférence
“La loi de protection intégrale contre la violence de genre a fait sauter le verrou du tabou qui rendait invisibles les victimes par les « malentendus de couples ou les disputes familiales ». Un bilan de la loi 15 ans après son adoption, de Frédéric Mertens de Wilmars.
Arron Mc Ardle on the recent report by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, the first to look comprehensively into various fundamental rights abuses in private homes across Europe of domestic workers in EU Member States.
“I have been thinking for days and days how I could explain what’s happening there, how I could describe it so well that you can really imagine what it is like”
L’association WISE nous présente l’aide humanitaire en direction des exilés dans les Hauts-de-France. Time For Equality soutient cette action et vous invite à y participer (détails et contacts dans l’article).
The mosquito buzzing in the room is so tiny, so why is it so hard to fall asleep? Perhaps it is not time to sleep. The fact that as a society we have millions of women, men, children trafficked, exploited and trapped in slavery around the world is intolerable and unacceptable.
Time For Equality’s founder and president as storyteller at Hub Dot Luxembourg. Rosa shared this story.
“Blindfold”: a beautiful song, a documentary and an amazing project that challenges perceptions about disability and creativity, talent and barriers. We asked Marie Naffah to share this story.
“Non possiamo attendere che la giustizia di genere accada domani. Donne e uomini devono crearla oggi” (Marcela Lagarde)
La question de la transmission du nom à l’enfant se pose non seulement dans le cadre de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes mais aussi lorsque celui-ci a des parents du même sexe. (de Frédéric Mertens de Wilmars).