Expressions of Humanity 2020-21
Time For Equality Events 10/06/2021“Expressions of humanity” is our cycle of events that use the power of arts and human stories to raise awareness
“Expressions of humanity” is our cycle of events that use the power of arts and human stories to raise awareness
« On parle beaucoup de la Méditerranée, parce qu’il y a beaucoup de morts, ici il n’y en a pas assez de morts, mais un est trop” said Pierre-Yves Doré, an activist in Briançon, frontier commune in southeastern France.
Organizing a refugee collection is simple. If I can do it, you can do it too. We can all make a difference by doing something, big or small. It doesn’t really matter. – by Amy Zhuang
The Journey of a Migrant is the first of series of discussions which will take place over the coming months that aim to tackle and highlight the pertinent issues relating migration, the current global refugee crisis and the response of our societies – by Arron Mc Ardle
Luxembourg, 18 juin: Projection de Passeurs d’Humanité, film documentaire d’Isabelle Serro, suivie par une conférence-débat avec la réalisatrice, Dr Raphaël Pitti, médecin humanitaire et auteur du livre “Va où l’humanité te porte”.
Winter brings damp and cold weather conditions. One more struggle for survival for refugees refused shelter. You can help by donating winter boots and warm clothing (hats, gloves, warm socks, jackets, sweaters…).
“I have been thinking for days and days how I could explain what’s happening there, how I could describe it so well that you can really imagine what it is like”
L’association WISE nous présente l’aide humanitaire en direction des exilés dans les Hauts-de-France. Time For Equality soutient cette action et vous invite à y participer (détails et contacts dans l’article).