Gender Equality Gender-based Violence
“This prize won’t have any significance to the female victims of sexual violence, if you won’t join us in our quest for peace, justice and democracy.”
Gender-based Violence
Sexual and gender-based violence perpetrated against women in conflict and in humanitarian settings has begun to be the focus of international attention, with efforts being made to prevent its occurrence, to respond to the survivors’ needs and to address impunity for those responsible.
Gender Equality
The UN agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women has launched a Constitutional Database which, for the first
Gender-based Violence
EN Femminicidio è un neologismo che indica la forma di violenza estrema rivolta contro la donna in quanto appartenente al
Gender Equality Gender-based Violence
IT Femicide is a neologism that indicates a form of extreme violence directed against women by virtue of their belonging
Gender Equality
As the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly nears, gender equality is confirmed as a major focus for development
Gender Equality
When Babatunde Osotimehin last year became the head of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) — the international development agency