Decent work Human Trafficking
The protocol complements the Forced Labour Convention of 1930 and requires member states to take effective measures to prevent and eradicate forced labour. So far, 47 countries have ratified it.
Human Trafficking
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”
News Time For Equality Events
In the frame of Time For Equality’s campaign to raise awareness of, prevent and end human trafficking and contemporary slavery.
Human Trafficking
“Human traffickers are earning billions of dollars on the backs and in the beds of our children and yet no one knows this is happening. We have a huge responsibility, right now, to learn the truth and act on it.” – Robert Bilheimer
Human Trafficking
Our combined talent, expertise, passion and commitment have made the CINE ONU / Time For Equality screening of SOLD a successful awareness-raising event. We have received many positive comments and reactions and it is all because of you – the audience and our contributors: THANK YOU!
Human Trafficking
To raise awareness of human trafficking and children’s rights, the United Nations and Time for Equality present the screening of “Sold”, a film by Jeffrey D. Brown, followed by an interactive panel discussion.
Decent Work
Modern slavery is all around us, even though most of us do not even realise it. 21 million women, men and children are trapped in slavery, three out of every 1,000 people worldwide. 4.5 million are victims of sexual exploitation.
Gender Equality Gender-based Violence
Our main take away from this event is that it’s time for action, here and now, with the resources and the means that you have. There is no time to lose in waiting for the “right” moment or the ideal situation.
Gender-based Violence Human Trafficking
In its report on Italy, GRETA is concerned by the lack of a national anti-trafficking action plan and urges the Italian authorities to do more to increase public awareness and discourage demand as a root cause of trafficking.
Gender Equality Gender-based Violence
Interview with the Centre for Partnership and Equality in Bucharest, an NGO working in the fields of gender equality, diversity and inclusion since 2002.