International Domestic Workers’ Day
Decent work 16/06/2021A domestic worker is someone who works in her/his employer’s household. This is the first peculiarity of the domestic sector:
A domestic worker is someone who works in her/his employer’s household. This is the first peculiarity of the domestic sector:
“In the Philippines, women get deployed abroad to work as domestic workers or nannies. In order to do so, they frequently leave their own children behind, before throwing themselves into the unknown”
Reportage on our last “Expressions of Humanity” event.
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”
Join the Campaign from 12 June to 25 June 2020 and mark June 16th International Day of Domestic Workers ▶️
Depuis le début de la crise du coronavirus, le secteur du nettoyage figure parmi les activités «essentielles ». La crise révèle les inégalités et le paradoxe de notre système économique et social, les les plus indispensables sont aussi les plus invisibles et les moins reconnu.e.s.
Domestic work is work performed in or for a household or households. Domestic work is one of the least protected sectors under national labour law, which is strange because at the same time there are 67 million domestic workers in the world, of which 83% are women.
Arron Mc Ardle on the recent report by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, the first to look comprehensively into various fundamental rights abuses in private homes across Europe of domestic workers in EU Member States.