Council of Europe: A life without violence is every woman’s right – a video clip
Gender Equality Gender-based Violence 15/05/2014The Council of Europe has just released a video-clip to raise awareness for domestic violence Across Europe… 20-25%
The Council of Europe has just released a video-clip to raise awareness for domestic violence Across Europe… 20-25%
A new report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) presents results from the world’s biggest-ever survey on
IT Femicide is a neologism that indicates a form of extreme violence directed against women by virtue of their belonging
Two events occurred last week which have highlighted the Malayan government’s misplaced priority on domestic violence. Firstly, it is heartbreaking
Elizabeth Taylor, Rihanna, Ulrika Jonsson, Nigella Lawson — these women may be quite different, but they share one thing in
EP Press Release – Victims of stalking, harassment or gender-based violence who are granted protection in one member state will