Expressions of Humanity 4: ASILE de Victor Ridley: Chaque année, plusieurs milliers de Mineurs Étrangers Non Accompagnés arrivent en Belgique. Une majorité d’entre eux viennent y demander l’asile, comme Sahil, un jeune afghan de 15 ans. Après être passé par plusieurs centres pendant près d’un an, Sahil intègre une famille d’accueil.
Gender Equality Gender-based Violence
EN In occasione della presenza in Italia di Selay Ghaffar, direttrice esecutiva di Humanitarian Assistance for Women and Children of
Gender Equality Gender-based Violence
IT On the occasion of their visit to Italy, we had the opportunity to meet Selay Ghaffar, executive director of
Gender Equality
The United States and its allies have worked for a decade to instill democratic and legal reforms in Afghanistan, with
Gender Equality
Afghanistan’s parliament has passed a law lowering the proportion of provincial council seats reserved for women. The Wolesi Jirga, or