May 24th 2014, 9:00 – 13:00
Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg
Workplace and society are becoming more and more diverse. Women, men, people with disabilities, another sexual orientation, as well as different cultures and generations have become reality in work and marketplaces today. Understanding, attracting and dealing with the different expectations, fears, working habits of these diverse talents and customers is becoming one of the challenges for European organisations and companies. The biggest challenge today however lies not only in attracting and recruiting the best mix but mostly in retaining them in organisations.
This half-day ambitious workshop is designed to provide and empower participants on the one hand with inside knowledge (based on theses from Beatrice Achaleke’s second book „Erfolgsfaktor kulturelle Vielfalt. Andere Menschen, Bessere Teams. Neue Kunden, diaspora edition, Vienna September 2013) and on the other hand equipe them with practical tools arugments and tips that will enable them advocate for diversity and inclusion in their organisations no matter their position in the organisation or company.
Target group: People advocating for equality, diversity and inclusion, whatever their position in an organization.
Duration: 4 hours
Number of participants: 20
Investment: €50,00
Non-profit associations : please contact us for special rates
Bonus : free entry to GloBuntu Bedtime stories for global players
Venue: Room A11, Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, rue Münster 28, Luxembourg
What you get from this workshop
• In-depth knowledge and empowering insides
• Useful tools and arguments for immediate use
• A catalogue of your very personal next steps
• Personal inspiration and motivation
• Lots of fun and laughter
• Moments you will not forget very easily
The GloBuntu method is highly participatory consisting of various exercises, short lectures, mini-case studies, role playing, storytelling, individual and group work.
This workshop setting is very mobile and creative, as such we kindly advice you to:
• dress comfortably
• bring good spirits, open and flexible mindset
• take with you a practical example you will like to work on.
About Beatrice Achaleke
Beatrice Achaleke (Austria/Cameroon), CEO of Diversity Leadership, Founder and Manager of the European Diversity and Inclusion Congress, studied Law at the University of Yaoundé and sociology at the University of Vienna. She has extensive training experience in diversity management and intercultural communication and is particularly praised for her efforts in supporting and including diversity in the management of business organisations, training and educational establishments
Equally active in community empowering, human rights and women’s rights, Beatrice was the first black woman to seek nomination in Austrian parliamentary elections in 2008. Beatrice received many awards and recognitions, e.g. the Make a Difference Award, World Diversity Innovation Award’, African Diva Award, the MIA Award and an official decoration by the Federal Republic of Austria for her engagement in the country’s intercultural dialogue.
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