Expressions of Humanity – What kind of world do we want to live in?

Expressions of Humanity – What kind of world do we want to live in?

Humanity and the power of arts and stories to reach individuals and achieve real change: this is the red thread of the cycle of four events proposed by Time For Equality, in collaboration with the Rotondes in Luxembourg.

What kind of world do we want to live in? The cycle “Expressions of Humanity” will touch upon important human rights questions of our time, such as the impact of migration, the situation of refugees and the response of our society, endemic violence against women across the world, the marginalization of indigenous communities.

Save the dates, and follow this page and Rotondes’ website for updates and the detailed programme (download the flyer).

23 October 2018 : The journey of a migrant continued
in partnership with the association WISE – download the flyerfollow-up and photosSpeaker’s Corner

12 February 2019 : Empowering women in Guatemala. Maya cultural heritage and the art of weaving.

20 March 2019: La juge. Une femme dans la magistrature 

26 June 2019: Facing the truth – Canada’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIW)

Each event will include either a film screening to set the context or a musical performance, testimonials of inspirational speakers, and a discussion with the audience. Art and craft work exhibitions will be an integral part of the event dedicated to the Guatemalan and Canadian indigenous communities.

Following Time For Equality’s motto “Learn, Share, Take Action”, each event will try and respond to the question ”What can I do?” by proposing a project, a campaign, an action through which each one of us can become part of the solution, and contribute to building a fairer and better world, the world we would like to live in.


photo: artwork by Larissa Ruhstaller

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