Oro Rosso. Strawberries tomatoes and sex harassment in the Mediterranean

Oro Rosso. Strawberries tomatoes and sex harassment in the Mediterranean

First event of the new cycle “Expressions of Humanity – What kind of world do we want to live in”, organised by Time For Equality in collaboration with the Rotondes.

Oro Rosso – Red Gold

Strawberries, tomatoes, exploitation and sexual harassment in the Mediterranean

WHEN: Wednesday 2 October 2019, 19.00 (doors open:  18.30)

WHERE: Rotondes – Place des Rotondes – Luxembourg

PROGRAMME: In dialogue with Stefania Prandi, journalist and photographer, author of the book “Oro rosso” (Settenove ed. Italy) and co-author with journalist Pascale Müller of a multi-awarded reportage on the same theme, published on BuzzFeed and Correctiv. The programme includes the screening of the short “La Giornata” by Pippo Mezzapesa (italian with English subtitles), photos and videoclips. Q/A session with the audience. 

Red Gold – Rape in the field

Harassed, insulted and raped – that is everyday for thousands of women working in tomato and strawberry fields of Spain, Italy and Morocco. The vegetables and fruits they harvest are sold in German supermarkets and all over Europe. The Red Gold project is the result of over 2 years’ investigation and documentation work, with interviews of hundreds of women working in the fields, as well as of trade unions and associations’ representatives.

Un reportage sur les femmes qui récoltent et emballent la nourriture qui finit sur nos tables. L’histoire se déroule dans trois pays riverains de la Méditerranée, l’Italie, l’Espagne et le Maroc, où sont installés les plus grands exportateurs de fruits et légumes d’Europe et du monde entier. Les ouvrières touchent un salaire inférieur à celui des hommes et elles sont contraintes à un rythme de travail exténuant. En plus, elles subissent, outre le chantage, des violences verbales, physiques et sexuelles, voire des viols.
A travers les pages nous découvrons les vies des nombreuses ouvrières que les médias ignorent: comment elles survivent au jour le jour, comment elles résistent à la violence, comment elles trouvent le courage de dénoncer leurs agresseurs – des efforts qui restent vains. Le livre est le résultat de recherches qui ont duré plus de deux ans et de plus de cent-trente entretiens avec des ouvrières et des représentantes de syndicats et d’associations.

Oro Rosso è un reportage sulle donne che raccolgono e confezionano il cibo che arriva sulle nostre tavole. Il racconto si snoda in tre paesi affacciati sul mare Mediterraneo, Italia, Spagna e Marocco, tra i maggiori esportatori di ortaggi e frutta in Europa e nel mondo. Qui, le braccianti, non solo sono pagate meno degli uomini e costrette a turni estenuanti, ma vengono molestate sessualmente, ricattate, subiscono violenze verbali, fisiche e stupri.

Nelle pagine, le vite delle molte lavoratrici che i media ignorano: la sopravvivenza quotidiana, la resistenza alla violenza, il coraggio delle denunce che, malgrado gli sforzi, cadono nel vuoto.

Il libro è il risultato di un lavoro di inchiesta e documentazione durato più di due anni, con oltre centotrenta interviste a lavoratrici, sindacalisti e associazioni.

Read more:

Click below for the reportage in English (Correctiv):

Part 1: Rape in the fields
Part 2: The dark side of Morocco’s booming agricultural exports
Part 3: In the hands of the mafia

Click here for the German version (Correctiv) 

Click here to read all articles on the investigation, including its impact, published in German by BuzzFeed 

Click here for the reportage in Spanish (BuzzFeed)


Stefania Prandi is an award-winning journalist and photographer. She reported i.a. from Ethiopia, Argentina, Morocco, Spain and Italy. She deals with gender, work, human rights, society and environment. She published among others with Elle, Action, Swiss Broadcasting, Vice, El Pais, Open Society Foundations, Il Fatto Quotidiano Online, Al Jazeera.
In 2016-17 she received The Pollination Project Grant and Volkart Stiftung Grant. In 2018 Prandi published Oro rosso (ed. Settenove, Italy). The project linked to her book won several awards in Germany: in 2019 Diederichsen Journalismuspreis; Henri Nannen Award (first prizes); in 2018, Georg von Holtzbrinck Preis; Otto Brenner Preis. Finalist for 2018 Deutsche Reporterpreis and Medien Löwin (Austria).


Admission: presale click here or tickets at the door click here 

Languages: Italian, French and English.
Interpretation from Italian into French.
Info and reservations: info@timeforequality.org
Please contact info@timeforequality.org for accessibility requirements.

Photos: Stefania Prandi www.stefaniaprandi.it

poster:  Tullio Gilibert


Expressions of Humanity – What kind of world do we want to live in

The power of arts and human stories to raise awareness and achieve social change: it is the red thread of the new cycle of events proposed by Time For Equality. It will focus on important human rights questions of our time, such as migration, increasing inequalities, trafficking and new forms of slavery, violence against women and children – and on the response of our society.

Each event will consist of a film screening, a theatre piece or a book presentation to set the context. It will include testimonials of inspirational speakers and a discussion with the audience.

True to the motto of Time For Equality “Learn, Share, Act”, our initiatives not only sensitise the public but also motivate them to answer the question “What can I do?” by proposing a project, a campaign, an action through which each one of us can be part of the solution to build a fairer and better world; a world in which we would like to live.

Time For Equality

We are a not-for-profit association based in Luxembourg. Our objective is to make a difference both within and across borders through advocacy and awareness raising using the power of stories and the arts to reach individuals. 

Time For Equality has limited financial resources and fully relies on committed members, volunteer work and support from partners.   



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