The activities of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice (Italy), are oriented towards boosting science and culture in the South East European region. Since gender equality is a transversal and overarching global priority of UNESCO, it is also mainstreamed into all of its regional initiatives. This ensures that UNESCO’s programmes and activities contribute fully and actively to the pursuit of women’s empowerment within society.
On 7-8 December 2012, in Tirana, Albanian media and university students of journalism were introduced to the Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM). These indicators, elaborated by UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector and published in 2012, are designed to assess gender equality and women’s empowerment in the media.
Within the framework agreement between the Union of Albanian Journalists (UAJ) and the Albanian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on gender equality, and with particular attention focused on womens’ political participation, economic empowerment and the elimination of all forms of violence, a two-day workshop on Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media will be organized and conducted from 30 to 31 May 2013 at Palazzo Zorzi, premises of the UNESCO Venice Office.
The participants of this workshop will be professional journalists holding leading positions or representing governance bodies of national television networks in Albania.
The workshop will be led by Alton Grizzle, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Communication and Information Sector (CI), and editor of the publication “Gender-Sensitive indicators for media: framework of indicators to gauge gender sensitivity in media operations and content”.
As a follow up to the Venice Workshop, the Union of Albanian Journalists will organize a public round table in Albania, where all participants will share their experiences and report on the conclusions.
The participants will be asked to draft an Action Plan on how to integrate the UNESCO GSMI within the operational structures of their daily work philosophy at their TV stations.
Download the publication in English here
Copyright: UNESCO (Venice)