Malta: Equality Mark Certificate for Companies Fostering Gender Equality

Malta: Equality Mark Certificate for Companies Fostering Gender Equality

This EU co-funded project ESF 3.47 – Unlocking the Female Potential aims at improving access to employment and enhancing the participation and progress of women in the labour market. As part of this project, in-depth research is carried out on various facets related to the female participation in the labour market. The respective findings and recommendations will be a valuable tool for policy makers in related policy formulation. In fact, the research components include: research on identifying, understanding and validating the reasons underlying the inactivity of the female segment in the Maltese population; research analysing what produces the ‘glass ceiling’ and the ‘glass cliff’ in the Maltese society; a comparative study on male and female entrepreneurs, seeking to provide further knowledge on the impact of gender on entrepreneurship; and research that will seek to identify whether economic independence is relevant to Maltese females.

Moreover, through the ‘Equality Mark’ certification more entities will work to actively foster gender equality, and hence further awareness will be raised on the rights and responsibilities of employers, human resources managers, equality committees/ representatives within the workplace and employees. In fact, following an assessment of the respective policies and measures, organizations whose management is based on the recognition and promotion of the potential of all employees irrespective of their gender and caring responsibilities are awarded the ‘Equality Mark’.

Indeed, the criteria assessed for the award of the ‘Equality Mark’ include: policies and initiatives on equality and sexual harassment; equal opportunities in recruitment and employment, including equal pay for work of equal value to employees irrespective of their gender; equality in career advancement and personal development; as well as the availability of family friendly measures for men and women with caring responsibilities.

The next Equality Mark information session will be held on the 27th of August 2013 between 10 – 11 am at NCPE Offices, 4th Floor, Gattard House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda. Any companies/ entities/ departments interested in knowing more about the Equality Mark are invited to attend. Kindly email for more information. Read more…

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