The Annual Legal Seminar on Anti-discrimination and Gender Equality Law, will take place in Brussels, at the Courtyard Hotel Marriot, on Friday 29 November 2013 on the theme of “Equality law: What kind of equality?”
The legal seminar will discuss in five workshops
– recent developments in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of non-discrimination and equality, referring specifically to recent important judgments and their impact on equality and antidiscrimination legislation on the national level;
– the principle of equal pay and relevant case law of the CJEU and practices at national level;
– recent developments and current trends as regards the prohibition of discrimination on the ground of disability, focusing in particular on the need for protection against discrimination on grounds of disability beyond the field of employment and on the proposal by the European Commission to adopt a European Accessibility Act;
– different forms of pro-active and positive action measures;
– the specific issues related to discrimination in the field of housing, including the general trends of discrimination, for instance on the grounds of disability and race/ethnic origin as well as the specific issues of discrimination against Roma and the Traveller community.
Check out the draft agenda and the registration form here.