Gender and Climate Change, the Warsaw Climate Change Conference 2013

Gender and Climate Change, the Warsaw Climate Change Conference 2013

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has adopted several resolutions on gender equality and women’s participation beginning in 2001.

Last year at the Conference of the Parties (COP-18) in Doha, Qatar, they committed to gender balance in the Secretariat and member delegations. 

(Read the Secretariat Report on Gender Composition 2013, which presents a breakdown of the gender composition of constituted bodies in order to enable the tracking of progress made towards the goal of gender balance in advancing gender-sensitive climate policy),

This year, the 19th yearly session of the COP 19, was held in Warsaw (11 November- 22 November) and the topic of gender and climate change has been developed in two days, through several events.

In particular, on Tuesday 12th was launched the Environmental Gender Index (EGI), a project of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), measuring country performance at the intersection of gender, environment, and sustainable development. The aim of the Index is to help policymakers, civil society, and others evaluate progress and identify where the gaps lie in achieving gender equality in the environmental context.

Read the Environment and Gender Index (EGI) 2013 Pilot, which ranks 72 countries on how they are translating gender and environment mandates into national policy and planning (summary, report)

The Gender Day continued on Tuesday 19 through a high-level event, entitled Vision 50/50: Women for Action on Climate Change, and other activities and side events.

Listen to  Lucy Wanjiru Njagi  (United Nations Development Programme) about the importance of women in decision making related to climate change.

Listen to Aira Kalela, Senior Adviser, Finland about why gender is important in discussions on climate change. 

You can learn more about Gender Day at the COP19 in Warsaw here

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