Check out our forthcoming events, in the frame of our campaign to raise awareness of, prevent and end human trafficking and contemporary slavery.
Monday, 22 January 2018, 7 p.m.
Ciné Utopia – Luxembourg
Following the successful première in the presence of the film director, on 4th December last, Time For Equality hosts a second screening of Robert Bilheimer’s powerful documentary on slavery in our time.
A Worldwide Documentaries production (64′, original EN version, French subtitles)
Please register your attendance by email to to facilitate planning. Tickets available online and at the door.
Not My Life comprehensively depicts the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. Filmed on five continents, in a dozen countries, Not My Life takes viewers into a world where millions of children are exploited through an astonishing array of practices including forced labor, sex tourism, sexual exploitation, and child soldiering. Read more:
Monday, 19 February 2018, 6.30 p.m. Salle Plateforme aux Rotondes – Place des Rotondes – Luxembourg

3 et 4 mars 2018: Time For Equality sera présente, avec son stand d’information, au 35e Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté, organisé par le CLAE (Comité de Liaison des Associations des Etrangers).
Samedi 3 mars 17h00, salle 1
Table Ronde sur les thèmes de l’exploitation illégale du travail, la traite d’êtres humains et les nouvelles formes d’esclavage. Présentation du livre-enquête Mafia Caporale (2017, Fandango libri) de Leonardo Palmisano, entrepreneur, écrivain et sociologue italien. En collaboration avec le CLAE. Avec la participation de Gilbert Pregno, Président de la commission consultative des droits de l’homme, Luxembourg (CCDH), Laura Zuccoli, Présidente de l’Association de soutien aux travailleurs immigrés (ASTI). Débat modéré par la journaliste Maryse Lanners.
Suivre l’évènement sur notre page Facebook
Livres disponibles à la Libreria Italiana Lussemburgo.
Ciné ONU and Time For Equality present
26 March 2018, 7 pm – Ciné Utopia – Luxembourg
Inside the labor camps of Qatar, African and Asian migrant workers building the facilities of the 2022 World Cup compete in a football tournament of their own: The Workers Cup.
The film will be followed by a panel discussion with the participation of Film’s producer Rosie Garthwaite.
The film is in English and has a run time of 1 hours 32 minutes.
Read here for more information. Tickets available here