In order to support its research project which will look at hostility towards children with disabilities across the EU, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published new online material explaining key elements of child-friendly justice to children.
The findings of FRA’s first disability project revealed that violence and harassment are some of the main barriers for people with disabilities to integrate into society.
The new research project Children with disabilities: targeted violence and hostility will look at hostility, including violence, towards children with disabilities across the EU. It seeks to identify the legal and policy framework, as well as determine how information about such hostility is being collected. In addition, the project will look for examples of promising practices of how some Member States are addressing the problem.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights will publish the findings from this research in a report at the end of 2014.
In order to support its work, FRA has also developed new online material. It includes a video, which provide an introduction to the research project and a brochure:
Read the brochure
For more information visit
Read also the Guidelines on child friendly justice adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 November 2010.
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