The Consequences – Femicide and the perspective of those who remain, by Stefania Prandi
Renza Volpini lost her daughter Jessica Poli on February 13, 2007. Jessica was stabbed 33 times by her husband when she was 32. They had a four-year-old son. Jessica Poli’s body was found in the province of Mantua, on the bank of the Oglio River, after 25 days of searching: the murderer wouldn’t confess, he said that his wife had left, abandoning her family. (see photos)
Judges should have in front of them the inscription ‘Justice is equal for all’. And instead, the man who murdered Rossana served only 12 years in prison. Is that all my Rossana was worth? – mother of Rossana Jane Wade. (see photos)
Giovanna Ferrari, mother of Giulia Galiotto, in her bedroom at home in the province of Modena. She kept her daughter’s clothes, and from time to time she’ll wear one of them. Giulia Galiotto was 30 years old when she was murdered by her husband Marco Manzini, on the 11th of February 2009. Over the years her mother has taken part in various initiatives that advocate stopping violence against women. (see photos)
Cristina Golinucci disappeared on the 1st of September 1992. She was 21 years old. On the day Cristina disappeared, she had an appointment with Father Lino Ruscelli, her confessor, at the Convent of the Capuchin Friars in Cesena. Marisa Degli Angeli took her daughter’s surname to continue to remember her (see photos)
Vera Squatrito is the mother of Giordana Di Stefano, who was stabbed to death 48 times at the age of 20 by her ex-boyfriend Luca Priolo. It was October 7th, 2015. (see photos)
Laura Russo was killed when she was twelve by her father, Roberto Russo, at their home, in the province of Catania, on the 21st of August 2014. Laura, her sister and her two brothers were sleeping. During the night, Roberto Russo wrote a note to his wife, Giovanna, in which he blamed her for what was about to happen and he repeatedly stabbed his daughter. (see photos)
The photographic exhibition “The consequences” is presented in Luxembourg by Time For Equality, in collaboration with the Rotondes, as part of “Expressions of Humanity 2021-2022” series. The outdoor exhibition in the Parvis of the Rotondes consists of 14 photos (120 x 90) with descriptions in French and English. The exhibition was set up in collaboration with the graphic workshop A.M.P.M.
The exhibition was held for the first time in Bologna, Italy, in 2019 by Dry-Art, under the direction of Chiara Cretella, graphic of Massimiliano Martines.
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