Media – The Consequences


Ara City Radio | Thursday October 21, 2021

Les Consequences: New Open Air Photographic Exhibition at Rotondes (listen)



Ara Bistro | Thursday October 21, 2021

Interview Time For Equality with Stefania Prandi (listen)



Isabel Spigarelli, WOXX | Wednesday October 27, 2021

Frauenmord: „Per non dargliela vinta“ (Femicide. So as not to let him win) (read)



Chronicle.Lu | Wednesday November 3, 2021

Time For Equality annonces femicide exhibition (read)



Paola Cairo, PassaParola Magazine | November 2020

Femminicidi: Lo sguardo (e le parole) di chi resta (Femicides: The perspective (and the words) of those who remain) (read)



Christelle Brucker, Le Quotidien | Wednesday December 8, 2021

Violences et migration : «Les droits de ces femmes sont bafoués» au Luxembourg (Violence and migration: “The rights of these women are violated” in Luxembourg) (read)