The Equality Dossier: The Judiciary through the Prism of Gender

The Equality Dossier: The Judiciary through the Prism of Gender

The first Equality Dossier focuses on the representation of women and men in one of the quintessential places of power: the Judiciary. The Dossier being inspired by the intense debate sparked in Italy by the book La Giudice. Una donna in magistratura, we have soon realized that Paola Di Nicola’s reflections refer to a deep cultural problem, which goes beyond national borders, which does not concern only women nor the Judiciary only. Read the introduction »

la-giudice-copertinaPaola Di Nicola

La Giudice – Una donna in magistratura

Ghena, 2012


Thematic Fact sheets

In the following section we offer an in-depth analysis of three selected issues discussed in Paola Di Nicola’s book: the presence of women in the Judiciary, gender-neutrality and sexism in language (the language of the legal codes as well as the language of everyday life), and the famous trial for rape held in Italy in 1978.

Women and the Judiciary: Italy

img-top-magistratura-it“When I joined the Judiciary, almost 20 years ago, I did not know our history, I did not believe at all that this was a profession closed to women through a conscious choice, not only by those who write the laws but by society as a whole, to exclude them”.

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Gender in language

img-top-linguaggioLa Giudice (“The female judge”) is a text permeated by the theme of language and by the supposed neutrality which institutions (but not only they) attribute to the male gender, which is not neutral.

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Rape trial

img-top-processo-stuproIn La Giudice, Paola Di Nicola takes inspiration from the famous rape trial held in Latina (Lazio) in 1978, to tell how women have been excluded from the courtroom, not only as judges but even as victims.

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Women in the Judiciary in EU

img-top-magistratura-euThe section “Women and Judiciary in Europe” is a collection of documents, statistics and articles on the theme of gender balance in the Judiciary at European and national level.  Work-in-progress, it will be gradually enriched with new material.



img-top-intervistaIn the video section  you will find the interview with Paola Di Nicola realised by Rosa Brignone and a collection of videos from the conference held on 30 May 2013 in Luxembourg.


img-top-participateThis is a space open to your contributions and your input in order to share knowledge and information and to raise awareness on the themes dealt with in the first Equality Dossier. 


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