Decent Work

Decent work is defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) as “productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity”. Accordingly, decent work should be guaranteed with:

  • a fair income,
  • security in the workplace,
  • social protection for workers and their families,
  • prospects for personal development,
  • social integration,
  • the freedom to express their concerns to organize and to participate in decisions that affect their lives, and
  • equal opportunities and equal treatment for all.

Following the years of advocacy and movements by different labor networks and activists, various international norms have been adopted including United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 and nearly 200 ILO conventions.

Nevertheless, SDG 8 is still far to be achieved, and the ratification and the implementation of ILO conventions on the ground remain insufficient. The world faces serious decent work deficits: some occupations continue to be undervalued; gender inequality in terms of wage and likelihood in management positions remain or even worsened following the global health crisis.

Decent work for all!



Decent Work



Decent Work



Decent Work