EXIT – Expressions of Humanity

EXIT – Expressions of Humanity


A searing documentary on what it means to be trafficked for sexual exploitation. EXIT is not a straight road and many don’t make it to the end.

Expressions of Humanity 2020-21

Expressions of Humanity 2020-21


“Expressions of humanity” is our cycle of events that use the power of arts and human stories to raise awareness

Screening of Overseas – Expressions of Humanity

Screening of Overseas – Expressions of Humanity


“In the Philippines, women get deployed abroad to work as domestic workers or nannies. In order to do so, they frequently leave their own children behind, before throwing themselves into the unknown”
Reportage on our last “Expressions of Humanity” event.

Screening of The Milky Way + panel discussion

Screening of The Milky Way + panel discussion


« On parle beaucoup de la Méditerranée, parce qu’il y a beaucoup de morts, ici il n’y en a pas assez de morts, mais un est trop” said Pierre-Yves Doré, an activist in Briançon, frontier commune in southeastern France.