Le Luxembourg peut-il tolérer qu’une entreprise établie sur son territoire soit impliquée dans des violations des droits humains, sans exercer pleinement son devoir de vigilance?
The protocol complements the Forced Labour Convention of 1930 and requires member states to take effective measures to prevent and eradicate forced labour. So far, 47 countries have ratified it.
NEW on our Equality Blog : Arron Mc Cardle on the Ciné ONU screening of The Workers Cup in Luxembourg
Le premier rapport sur la traite des êtres humains au Luxembourg par la Commission consultative des droits de l’homme: état de lieux et recommandations.
In its report on Italy, GRETA is concerned by the lack of a national anti-trafficking action plan and urges the Italian authorities to do more to increase public awareness and discourage demand as a root cause of trafficking.
Gender Matters : the transnational GendeRIS project (Romania, Italy, Spain) has published a handbook addressed to professionals dealing with human trafficking issues.