Le Luxembourg peut-il tolérer qu’une entreprise établie sur son territoire soit impliquée dans des violations des droits humains, sans exercer pleinement son devoir de vigilance?
Adoptée en 2004, souvent citée comme texte de référence au niveau international: quels sont les résultats de la loi espagnole contre la violence de genre? Quels sont les points faibles?
“This prize won’t have any significance to the female victims of sexual violence, if you won’t join us in our quest for peace, justice and democracy.”
Our main take away from this event is that it’s time for action, here and now, with the resources and the means that you have. There is no time to lose in waiting for the “right” moment or the ideal situation.
The discourse around gender rights has been largely focused on the modern women’s movement. However, gender-transformative approaches that include men can be a huge step forward in achieving impact.
In its report on Italy, GRETA is concerned by the lack of a national anti-trafficking action plan and urges the Italian authorities to do more to increase public awareness and discourage demand as a root cause of trafficking.
Interview with the Centre for Partnership and Equality in Bucharest, an NGO working in the fields of gender equality, diversity and inclusion since 2002.
At her presentation at TEDx Houses of Parliament, London, Meera Vijayann discussed the difficulties that young women like her face in India in accessing their rights or finding a voice against everyday sexual harassment.
A few days ago, I read a piece that broke my heart. It wasn’t just a piece, this story, it was a living nightmare; a written record that we must work harder than ever before to bring an end to sexual violence.
Campaigns and projects aiming at combating sexual violence in conflict.