Dans son premier court-métrage de fiction Victor Ridley met en scène avec finesse l’espression des traumatismes d’un jeune exilé. Rencontre avec le réalisateur, et panel avec des expert.e.s des thématiques liées au parcours des exilés au Luxembourg
Le Luxembourg peut-il tolérer qu’une entreprise établie sur son territoire soit impliquée dans des violations des droits humains, sans exercer pleinement son devoir de vigilance?
Au cours de trois ans Stefania Prandi a rassemblé des images de visages, d’objets, de lieux, et des récits de familles de victimes de féminicide.
Time For Equality is pleased to take part in the Luxembourg-based grassroots campaign to promote greater engagement among citizens of
Sign up for the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI): Together, let’s be a WELCOMING Europe!
Join Luxembourg For Freedom, a community-based campaign launched by Time For Equality. We support 50 for Freedom an international movement
Modern slavery is all around us, even though most of us do not even realise it. 21 million women, men and children are trapped in slavery, three out of every 1,000 people worldwide. 4.5 million are victims of sexual exploitation.
Child slavery today is at an all-time high. 26% of slaves today are children under 18 years, with some being as young as five. Forced to work for up to 18 hours a day, these children are sold at prices less than even that of cattle.
Time For Equality supports Caption Everything, an international campaign asking all businesses and organisations to use captions and make videos, meetings and conferences more accessible and inclusive.